Tag Archives: video

If You Thought Sarah Palin Was Bad…

From the great state of Alaska we are offered many things we might find hard to swallow. There is Moose Jerky, Eskimo Ice cream “Akutaq” (made from whipping hunted animal fats with wild berries), Stink Head and Stink Eggs (fermented salmon head and roe) and stuff like Seal Blubber. I know some of that stuff sounds pretty disgusting. However, probably the hardest thing to swallow that has come out of Alaska we all are most familiar with is “The crap that comes out of Sarah Palin‘s mouth.”  

Hold on to your stomachs, there is a new player in town.  I don’t know about you, but I’m a big fan of Andrew Zimmern’s Gastronomic adventures on TLC’s “Bizarre Foods“. I’ve seen his Alaskan episodes and overall, found the modern food appealing. Surely, Andrew Zimmern would even turn up his nose to this and gag.Alaska Distillery “Handcrafted” Smoked Salmon – flavored vodka

What were they smoking?!?!?!?!

I found this Video on how it’s made:

How hard would this be to swallow?